- Investments in securities market are subject to market risks, read all the related documents carefully before investing.
Please read the Voluntary and Non Voluntary Documents as per Exchange Guidelines at below Link
• RDD – Risk Disclosure document – Equity & Commodity
• Rights and Obligation ,Guidance Note, Do’s &Don’ts
• Policies and Procedures for Client Dealings
- Investments in the securities market are subject to market risk. Read all the related documents carefully before investing. The data and information herein provided is believed to be reliable, but Goodwill Wealth Management Pvt. Ltd., does not warrant for its accuracy or completeness. Goodwill Wealth Management Pvt. Ltd., or any of its employees are not liable for any action taken by any party based on the above information. This material is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument. Please Do your own analysis before investing and Goodwill Wealth Management Pvt. Ltd., is not responsible for any profit or loss based on the technical information provided. Special note: Short-term trading on the basis of technical is a high risk and skill-oriented venture and may result in huge losses also. Traders doing so are doing at their own risk. We are not responsible for any damages. Note: The material is being provided to you for educational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice; returns mentioned herein are in no way a guarantee or promise of future returns. See Disclaimer, Privacy Policy Click here
- Member is registered with Exchange as Mutual Fund distributor only&The Rates are Decided by the regulators. Based on the availability of exchange system the Orders been placed by the client or on behalf of clients order been placed by Member.
- Mutual Fund Units are Purchased based on the credits available in the Ledger
- Redemption of Units the credits will be on T+3 settlement
- Goodwill adds another feather to its cap by extending Insurance services through its subsidiary, M/s GWC India Insurance Broking (P) Ltd. Now you can purchase your Health, Motor, Term Life, Accident, Travel and other insurance policies by the click of a button.
To know more, please visit our website Click here(Terms & conditions apply)
Insurance is the Subject Matter of solicitation.
The information contained in this Website is only indicative For more details on the Risk factors, Policy terms & conditions, Please read all Sales brochures & Policy wordings before concluding the sale. Investments in Unit Linked Insurance Plans are subject to Market volatile Risks. Such Investment Risk has to be borne by the Policyholder.
Sec.41 of Insurance Act 1938 (as amended from time to time) Prohibition of Rebates:
No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly as an inducement to any person to take out (or) renew (or) continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole amount (or) part of the commission payable (or) any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking out (or) renewing (or) continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebates as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectus (or) tables of the Insurer.GWC India Insurance Broking (P) Ltd is a subsidiary of Good will wealth Management (P) Ltd. IRDAI Broking Code No 683 (Life & General) Validity period: 19/11/2019 till 18/11/2022.
BEWARE OF SPURIOUS PHONE CALLS & FICTITIOUS FRAUDULENT OFFERS Trade Logo displayed above belongs to Gwc India Insurance Broking (P) Ltd, Corporate Office, No. 73, 1st Floor, Tarana Complex, Sardar Patel Road, Guindy, Chennai – 600032, Tamil Nadu.
- • Pancard copy,
- • Aadhar card Number
- • Bank Proof
- • Choose Brokerage Plans: Traditional Plan | Discount Plus Plan [ Charges and terms would be applied as per plan selection]
- • No charges for opening Trading and Demat accounts. First-year Demat AMC is free and it would be charged ₹ 75/ Quarter from 2nd year onwards. Click here for more info
- • Free Gift coupons worth up to Rs 10000. After successful Account opening, the same would be sent to the client’s registered E-mail ID. (T&C: Goodwill reserves the rights to change the terms and conditions governing the use of the Gift coupon from time to time at its sole discretion.)
- • The Schedule of Brokerage and other charges applied by Goodwill on the Clients are provided under the heading “Tariff Sheet” Click herein the Client account Opening Form
- • Call and Trade facility available.
- • STT, CTT, GST, and all other applicable exchange/regulatory/statutory charges/taxes will be levied as per applicable rates.
- • Brokerage will not exceed the SEBI prescribed limit.
- Goodwill is a Distributor of IPO that uses the Exchange Platform to apply for IPOs and extend the portal and benefits to the client.
- • UPI ID is mandatory for IPO Purchase
- • Once the IPO is applied, an amount will be blocked in the client’s bank. In case of non-allotment of shares, the amount will be refunded by the RTA on the refund initiation date.
- • Trading of shares of Pre-IPO or in unlisted stocks is a lengthy and analytical process. This must be done only after prior consultation with an experienced investment advisor.
- • As the activities of PRE-IPO are subject to the inherent risks of risk capital investment, no guarantee can be given against losses resulting from an investment made through PRE-IPO, and there is no guarantee that Investors will recover their initial investment.
- • The IPO of a company, even if scheduled, is never guaranteed, and liquidity could only develop over the long term, with no guarantee as to how long this will take.
- • Invest only in companies where you understand the sector, the business model, the financial elements, and the terms of the operation.
- • Before any subscription to financial securities, we recommend that you consult all the information relating to the operation and company, notably the “Risk Factors” section of the information document available on the company overview page, which notes the general risk factors and specific risk factors of the company.
- • Before any investment, you should assure yourself that you have a full understanding of the advantages and potential risks of the investment, that your decision has been taken independently, and that the operation is appropriate for you given your objectives, experience, operational and financial resources, and other relevant circumstances.
- • Please note that by submitting personal details, you are authorizing Goodwill Group of Companies to call you and send promotional communication even though you may be registered under DND.
- • As per NSE Circular No. NSE/CMPT/32478 dated 31st May 2016, NSE will charge 2.5% charges on all transactions executed in the Securities Lending and Borrowing Scheme.
- • Commercials: ₹0.10 Minimum or 15% of Lending & Borrowing Fees, whichever is Higher.
- Who is an Authorised Person?
Any person who is appointed as such by a trading member and who provides access to the trading platform of a stock exchange as an agent of the stock broker is an Authorised Person.Who can be an Authorised Person?
The following persons meeting the requisite eligibility criteria as prescribed by SEBI/Stock Exchange shall be appointed as an Authorised Person:
- • An individual who is a resident of India
- • A Partnership Firm registered under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932
- • A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) registered under the Indian Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008
- • A Body Corporate registered under the Indian Companies Act, 1956
- • Minimum 10th standard to be Passed
- • Applicable Registration Fees
- • Security deposits on request for Terminal
- • Valid NISM Certificate to Operate Terminal
- • Training support: Goodwill provides educational and product training on a weekly basis via Zoom Webinar to APs and their clients.
- • Goodwill also assists the Authorised Person with training on how to operate the trading platforms and how to efficiently use their smart analytical tools.
- As a privileged partner, you can freely access the complete research reports published by our team on our website.
Terms:- • Monthly Billing cycle is 26th to 25th.
- • Payout will be made on the 1st of every month.
- • Sharing ratio as per signed Tariff Sheet/Agreement.
- Example A: If in one month the AP generates Rs. 2000, GW’s share @ 30% works out to Rs. 600. Since the minimum clause stipulates Rs. 1000, the AP will get Rs. 1000, and GW will also get Rs. 1000.
- Example B: If in a month the AP generates Rs. 10,000, then the AP will get Rs. 7000, and GW will get Rs. 3000.
- This payout will be done on a monthly basis, ONLY for active AP accounts and not for inactive APs. Goodwill’s Minimum Retainable amount will not be carried over to future months.
- An AMC of Rs. 1000 will be charged for APs registered in MCX.
- Cancellation fees as charged by Exchanges.
- AP must adhere to compliance requirements prescribed by SEBI and exchanges. Non-compliance or violations will lead to cancellation of the AP registration and termination of the agreement.
REFERRALGoodwill is a first-of-its-kind initiative in India to enable every member with financial security and a sustainable income source through direct and indirect marketing, sales, and diversified investment planning. Goodwill offers assured income to individuals working from home or the office through the best affiliate marketing program. All you need to do is make Goodwill referral programs more rewarding for yourself and people in your circle. Refer friends, relatives, and professional or social network connections.
Definition:- • Referrer(s): An individual (client or non-client of Goodwill Group) who refers a Referee for opening their Trading Account with Goodwill.
- • Referee(s): The individual referred by the Referrer for opening a Trading Account with Goodwill.
- • Referrer Ledger: A ledger maintained in the back office for crediting referral amounts.
- • Referral Program: An online platform where the Referrer(s) refer the Referee(s) for opening a Trading Account.
- • Referral Link: Referrer can create a link to start online campaigns and grow the business.
Eligibility:- • Any Indian can become a Referrer.
- • There are no restrictions; Referrers can refer any number of Referees.
- • Monthly billing cycle is 26th to 25th.
- • Payout will be made on the 1st of every month.
- • Referrers earn rewards/vouchers once the referred individuals complete all Trading Account formalities with Goodwill.
- • Referrers must have the consent of the individuals they refer for sharing their details with Goodwill.
- • Goodwill reserves the right to modify or discontinue the Referral Program at any time without prior notice.
- • Referrers involved in fraudulent account openings will not receive referral credits or incentives.
- • Referral/Referrer cannot carry out IPV (In-person Verification) or OSV (Original Seen and Verified) of referred clients.
- • Referrers must not issue official documents like contract notes, account statements, etc., to referred clients directly.
- As a privileged partner, you can freely access the complete research reports published by our team on our website.
Terms:– Monthly Billing cycle is from 26th to 25th. – Payout will be made on the 1st of every month. – Sharing ratio as per signed Tariff Sheet/Agreement.
Minimum Retainable:The brokerage generated by the AP will be shared as follows: – 70% (for the AP) and 30% (for GWC) – 80% (for the AP) and 20% (for GWC) or based on the sharing ratio mentioned in the agreement, subject to a minimum of Rs. 1000 per month for Goodwill.Example A: If in one month the AP generates Rs. 2000, GW’s share @ 30% works out to Rs. 600. However, since the minimum clause stipulates Rs. 1000, the AP will get Rs. 1000 and GW will also get Rs. 1000. Example B: If in one month the AP generates Rs. 10,000, the AP will get Rs. 7000 and GW will get Rs. 3000.- • This payout will be done on a monthly basis, ONLY for active AP accounts. Inactive AP accounts and Goodwill Minimum Retainable amounts will not be carried over for future months.
- • An AMC of Rs. 1000 will be charged for APs registered in MCX.
- • Cancellation fees as charged by Exchanges.
- • AP must adhere to the compliance requirements prescribed by SEBI and exchanges. Non-compliance or violations will lead to cancellation of the AP registration and termination of the agreement.
Definition :Referrer(s)- for the purpose of this program shall mean an client or Non Client of Goodwill Group, referred a Referee for opening his/her Trading account with Goodwill. “Referee(s)” – for the purposes of this offer shall be the individual who has been referred for opening his/her Trading account with Goodwill. by the Referrer. “Referrer Ledger”– Ledger maintained in backoffice for the purpose of crediting Referral amount “Referral Program” – shall mean the online platform under which the Referrer(s) shall refer the Referee(s) for opening Trading Account “Referral Link” -Referrer can create Link on their Own and start the Online campaign to grow the Business. To Know More Visit our Referral Portal Click here
Eligibility :
- • Any Indian can become an Referral
- • There is no restriction & Referrals can refer any number of referee.
- • Monthly Billing is cycle 26th to 25th.
- • Payout will be made on 1stof every month.
- • Once the person/s referred by the referrer/s completes all the formalities of Trading account with Goodwill, only then will the referrer/s be entitled for the reward /voucher
- • In case of any grievance/concerns raised by any reference; referrer will be liable and responsible for sharing the details without referee’s consent
- • The Referrer confirms having obtained the consent of the person referred for providing his/her details to Goodwill
- • Goodwill at its sole discretion, will contact the Referees, if needed for individual Offers of products and services by them.
- • These terms and conditions applicable to Referral Program are in addition to and not in derogation of the terms and conditions as may be applicable to the products/services being made available to the Referrer(s)/Referee(s) by Goodwill
- • The participation in the program is entirely voluntary and it is understood, that the participation by the Referrer shall be deemed to have been made on a voluntary basis.
- • Goodwill is not responsible for the expiry of the vouchers.
- • Goodwill reserves the right to modify/change all or any of the Terms and Conditions applicable to the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. Goodwill also reserves the right to discontinue the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever.
- • The Referrer who has provided a reference shall not be entitled to any reward under the Referral Program, if the details provided of such references are incomplete or incorrect or invalid.
- • Once the person/s referred by the referrer/s completes all the formalities of trading account opening only then will the referrer/s be entitled for the reward/voucher.
- • Notwithstanding anything contained herein, Goodwill reserves the right at any time at its absolute discretion without prior notice to vary, withdraw, cancel, or invalidate the Referral Program, without having to give a reason thereof, and without compensation whatsoever. Further, Goodwill has the discretion to reject any claim in the event of irregularity, discrepancy, or dispute, and its decision shall be final, conclusive and binding.
- • Referral / Referrer shall not represent or act on behalf of Goodwill and induce or advise the Referee for placing orders in the Securities Market.
- • Referral / Referrer shall not issue any contract notes, daily margin statements, statement of accounts, annual global transaction statements etc to the referred clients directly in violation of the terms and conditions of this agreement.
- • Referral / Referrer shall not carry out IPV (In person Verification) and OSV (Original Seen and Verified) of the clients referred by me.
- • Referrer agreeing to the terms and conditions is prohibited to engage into any fraudulent account opening. Referrer agrees that, Goodwill reserves the right to withhold any such credit of Referral Points or incentives without any notice to any such Referrer who is involved in fraudulent account opening/ or unusually low activities in opened accounts of Referees
- • BDE (Remote) referral will be attached to any one of the Goodwill branches.
- • Prefer to work remotely, either part time or full time. It is not mandatory to be present at the office regularly.
- • Self-employed or working professionals, employees of other organizations, students, House wives, retired professionals etc. are all eligible to be a BDE referral (Remote)
- • No Investment is required.
- • No Infrastructure is required.
- • No experience is required.
- • No academic qualifications are required.
- • No gender or upper Age restrictions, other than the mandatory eligibility to be of 18 years or more.
- • BDE (Remote) should be of Indian Nationality.
- • Should possess a valid ID / Address proof.
- • Should possess a valid bank a/c
- • Existing Goodwill employee or their family members are not eligible to become BDE (Remote)
- • Minors (below 18 years) are not eligible to become a BDE (Remote)
- • This structure is applicable only for retail account.
- • Login of 5 accounts in a month; BDE(Remote) is eligible for special incentive* of Rs.1000/- over and above the performance incentive (Subject to BM Approval)
- • Login of 10 accounts in a month; BDE(Remote) is eligible for special incentive* of RS.2500/- over and above the performance incentive (Subject to BM Approval)
- • Login of 15 accounts in a month; BDE(Remote) is eligible for special incentive* of RS.5000/- over and above the performance incentive (Subject to BM Approval)
- • 20% Incentive will be paid for access charges collected.
- • 20% Incentive will be paid for insurance premium collected – Life and HDFC Sanjay plus Policies (Subject to policy issuance).
- • Working day cycle will be calculated 26th to 25th of every month.
- • Incentive will be released on 5th of every month.
- • Margin amount will be calculated cumulatively during the cycle and eligible account will be consider for incentive to release.
- • Minimum one trade per Account is mandatory for getting the incentive.
- • If an account goes to a full pay-out within the monthly cycle, then the account will not be considered for the incentive.
Depository Services:
- • Stock Brokers can accept securities as margin from clients only by way of pledge in the depository system w.e.f. September 1, 2020
- • AMC free for 1st Year & Applicable Charges of 300 Rs levied from Next Year annually.
- • The Depository Participant shall reserve the right to revise the charges by giving not less than 30 days notice in writing to the client.
- • Value of Transaction will be in accordance with the Depository formulae.
- • Modification in client detail, Rs. 40/- per instance.
- • Maintenance charges taken for account, opened under any LIFE TIME Maintenance scheme is non-refundable.
- • Rejection charges Rs. 20/- per rejection plus courier charges.
- • Off-Market Instruction not received prior to 24 hours of execution will be received at client’s risk.
- • Instruction for Pay-In of securities to transfer from client account to CM Pool account, inter-settlement instruction, CM Pool to CM Pool transfer and delivery instruction will be accepted up till 4:00 PM on the working day prior to the Pay-in date.
- • Non-periodic statement shall be charged @ Rs. 5/- per page and postage/courier charge @ Rs. 40/- per mail.
- • In case of non-payment of bill/dues within 30 days of due date, interest shall be charged @ 2.0% per month on the outstanding dues.
- • Rs. 100/- will be charged to client in case of New Delivery Instruction Booklet is requested without requisition slip.
- • All charges are exclusive of GST. Taxes and other Government levies will be charged extra as applicable from time to time.
Any investment in such third party products / services shall constitute a binding contract between you and the 3rd party company. Goodwill shall not be liable or responsible for any loss, claim or shortfall resulting from third party’s products/services. Whether to accept the third party products / services offered by Goodwill shall be at your sole discretion, independent analysis and at your own evaluation of the risk involved
Goodwill does not warrant, represent, or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the information, content, advertisements, or third party websites or Third Party Services or Third party Products contained on, distributed through, or linked, downloaded or accessed from any of Goodwill websites, nor the quality of any products, information, or other materials displayed, purchased, or obtained by you as a result of an advertisement or any other information or offer on or in connection with Goodwill. You acknowledge that any use of or reliance upon third party websites or Third Party Services or Third party Products shall be at your sole risk.
Any investment in such 3rd party products or services shall constitute a binding contract between you and the third party company. Goodwill shall not be liable or responsible for any loss, claim or shortfall resulting from third party’s products/services. Whether to accept the third party products / services offered by Goodwill shall be at your sole discretion, independent analysis and at your own evaluation of the risk involved.
Kindly Note that any dispute, claim or any complaint on 3rd party product or serviceswill notbebinded to Goodwill. However you can raise the disputes directly to the 3rd party service provider and dealt separately. Goodwill and its director or employee,authorized person etc shall not liable for any financial liability towards your transaction between you and 3rd party.
- • All Cover Orders are Intraday orders by default, these orders will be squared off automatically at
- • 3:15 pm for NSE Equity & NSE F&O , 4:45 pm for NSE Currency ,11:30pm for MCX Commodity segment
- • Cover Orders can be placed only during regular market hours and can be placed during the pre-market trades (9:00 am – 9:15 am) only for Equity Cash and post-market trades (3:40 pm – 4:00 pm) Equity Cash and F&O.
- • Cover Orders are currently valid only for derivative-based scripts in Equity Cash.
Disclaimer: Bracket orders / Cover Orders which are placedas stop loss or profit booking, may not be reached to the Exchange due to a possibility delayed or incomplete tick by tick price or any other such system/network requirement which is beyond our control. This may result in delay in processing or not processing your orders. In such cases Goodwill shall not be held responsible to compensate the client against the profit/losses in any manner.
Disclaimer : Though Algo trading has many benefits as discussed above, it has its risks and challenges too. There may be network connectivity issues, system failures, or faulty algorithms due to which it may fail to deliver the desired results. Algo trading is a powerful tool that can efficiently handle bulk transactions, but it needs to be explored further by investors to reap its true benefits.The 3rd Party Link is not intended as a promotion of any particular products or investments and neither Goodwill nor any of its officers, directors, employees or representatives, in any way recommends or endorses any company, product, investment or opportunity which may be discussed herein.The education, training, videos, audios, software or any information presented herein is intended for a general audience and does not purport to be, nor should it be construed as, specific advice tailored to any individual.Goodwill does not promise or guarantee any income or particular result from your use of the information contained herein. Goodwill assumes no liability or responsibility for errors or omissions in the information contained herein.The Trading or Investing educations or trainings or algorithms or software’s or any information provided by Goodwill or Goodwill’s 3rd Party products may not be suitable for all traders or investors.Any action you choose to take in the markets for trading or investing is totally your own responsibility. Goodwill will not be liable for any, direct or indirect, consequential or incidental damages or loss arising out of the use of the information given in the website, through email or product or service or any other means of communication.Under no circumstances will Goodwill be liable for any loss or damage caused by your reliance on the information contained herein. It is your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice or other content contained herein.
Goodwill welcomes NRI to the world of hassle free, paperless, seamless trading facility in the Indian Stock Market
The Two methods NRI trading can be done in India is through the PIS- Portfolio Investment Scheme. It is a scheme that was laid out by the RBI to facilitate NRI trading in India. Under this scheme , an NRI will have to open a PIS account with the branch of any bank that is approved by the RBI for PIS,
This PIS account can be of two types
NRE Account – Non Resident external account. The funds in this account are fully Repatriableto the country of residence of the NRI. Further, there are no tax deductions on the interest in this type of account.
NRO Account – Non Resident Ordinary account. The funds in this account are held on a non-repairable basis.If an NRI wants to shift these funds to an foreign bank account,they will need to get the permission of the RBI.
For more information, you can check this detailed review Under NRI Services.
Disclaimer:An NRI demat account comes with a set of rules and regulations simply for the reason that two different economies get involved.Further more, there are tax regulations and requirements that one needs to take care of.Most of the times, you are supposed to pay tax once and if the country your are residing in, has a larger tax slab percentagethan you might have been charged in India,you only need to pay the residual to the foreign government post paying the taxes in India.
Legal Disclaimer – Goodwill Wealth Management Pvt Ltd , Employee of Goodwill or Registered Authorised person of Goodwill does not provide any promise or assurance of favourable view for a particular industry or sector or business group in any manner. Or any promise of Assured Returns or involving any PMS services .The investor is requested to make an note of all the risk factors including their financial condition and If you came across of such activity kindly escalate the issue immediately to Click here