How to learn operations in Share Market?
Have you heard the great and insufferable physicist Sheldon Cooper talk about Schrödinger’s cat?
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Schrödinger’s cat is not yet another pet cat; it is an experiment that can prove theories and even some life issues.
In this particular experiment setup done by Schrodinger, a cat was placed in a box along with a tiny box of poison. Now the differing feature of this box of poison was that it was a sealed box that will open only at a particular time and when was that time, No one knew of it.
So was there a way to confirm if the cat was dead or alive?
Is there a way to know it without opening the box?
The Schrodinger’s cat experiment tells us that unless you try to get inside the whole event/ process you will never know the result. You have to dive into the issue to know it better, meager surface research will take you nowhere, but yes surface research is necessary.
But the amount of information and lessons you learn when you are actually trading will not be comparable to the lessons you learn in classes or in a book you read, experience surely is the best teacher.
Share market operations are based on the simple principles of “Buy Low, Sell High” like any trading in commodity. Since the fluctuations of the values of shares are rampant and wide based on so many internal and external factors our decision may sometimes prove to be wrong leading to a loss of money? Investments in share market for the medium and long term is recommended to mitigate risks and to earn good returns.
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